Gabriel Varón

AmeriCorps VISTA Sales Coordinator and Community Garden

"Hello, I'm Gabriel, and I'm thrilled to be part of the Plenitud team. I'm dedicated to breathing more life and making a positive impact in everything I do. After completing a bachelor's degree in Agricultural Sciences at the University of Puerto Rico - Recinto Universitario de Mayagüez, with a concentration in Agricultural Economics, I have gained valuable knowledge through volunteering and work experiences that have prepared me to excel in my role as a farmer at Plenitud. I have worked in non-profits with a focus on developing food security in rural areas and I have worked for private companies in agriculture. I have also worked as Chief Revenue Officer at Guariké, where I have been in charge of marketing, sales and customer success. I am excited to bring my knowledge, experiences, and willpower to Plenitud as we work together to create a more sustainable and vibrant future.

Some certifications include:

-Agroecological producer course (Josco Bravo)

-PSR Certificate (Product Safety Rules: Product Safety Alliance)

-Farm Management Program: Agricultural Extension Service (UPRM) 


Glenis Padilla


Karina N. Merced Arzola