Navigating Adversity Together

Each and every one of us is feeling the effects of the global Covid-19 pandemic right now. From health challenges to job insecurity, heightened fear/anxiety to seismic shifts in our personal and collective daily rhythms and beyond, there is no corner of our world or individual lives yet untouched by this crisis.

There are so many lessons to be learned, not only from the emergence of the pandemic itself, but also by our personal and community responses to what we are experiencing. Many of these lessons will only become clear in retrospect, but here at Plenitud our desire is to approach this time in our lives with a degree of openness to learning what we can from it right now—and to helping each other adapt to these changes in community.

The very core of Plenitud’s mission is to teach and demonstrate skills for increased harmony, sustainability, and resilience through service to others, and it is these principles that we are turning to for guidance as we navigate this challenging time together.

We are committed to staying connected to our community in any way we can, especially while we are all experiencing the effects of “social distancing.” As part of that effort, we are working to create more virtual content so that we can maintain the strong community bonds that will ultimately help us all come together during this crisis, even if from a physical distance. This is the first in a series of blog posts that we hope will help you to feel connected, stay inspired, and see how we are applying the principles of Love in Action at this time of uncertainty.

We asked a few of our team members to share ways they are using their inner and outer sustainability and resilience resources to navigate this difficult time, and we have shared their responses below. Please take a look, and let us know how we can support you in your own path to increased harmony and resilience through adversity!

Duncan Anderson, Americorps VISTA Volunteer (2019-2020)

“For my life, these external changes remind me of the essential practice of taking care of one's inner life. This is also a permaculture principle: we have to consider how we occupy the space of our heart and mind before we begin to act in the external spaces around us. For me, this involves making as much space as possible to practice meditation and other forms of breathing exercises that can cultivate a healthy relationship with uncertainty. When our inner space is quiet and at ease with the unfolding circumstances of life, we can act more meaningfully in the world. Creating an inner foundation of self-compassion and courage within ourselves will allow us to become better neighbors, family members, and friends to all.”


“When our inner space is quiet and at ease with the unfolding circumstances of life, we can act more meaningfully in the world. “

—Duncan Anderson


(P.S. Duncan has been recording some very helpful guided meditations to help calm the mind and “quiet our inner space” as he describes so beautifully above. Check them out below or visit to hear more!)


Naina Ramrakhani, Americorps VISTA Volunteer (2019-2020)

“Throughout this unpredictable time, I have been greatly holding on to the truth that is our collective unity. Plenitud has taught me, and showed me, time and again that while we are all experiencing our individual feelings, joys, challenges, accomplishments, bodies in a unique way- we are ultimately all connected to something greater than all of that. We are all a part of the same spirit that, while may not be tangible and easy to see with our eyes, binds us to a force that is so much more powerful than any virus, and that will never cease to exist. I truly believe that together, we are able to transcend anything that comes our way. I am grateful that you are with me, that I am with you, that we are all with each other as one being whose love will remain ever present beyond any experience that the world may bring our way.”


“We are all a part of the same spirit that, while may not be tangible and easy to see with our eyes, binds us to a force that is so much more powerful than any virus, and that will never cease to exist.”

—Naina Ramrakhani


John “JD” Hutchison-Maxwell, Permaculture Designer, Administrator and VISTA Supervisor

“I thrive in the peaceful focused community of Plenitud, because it helps me to connect to the deeper purpose of life that is in service to others. With all of the uncertainty of life that we are now facing, we offer our permaculture farm and non profit teaching center as a humble example of a resilient land-based community. With all of the hectic frantic race of modern life going on I can take shelter here, and I can spread roots, give shelter, and harvest fruits. Good things take time, so let’s use these strange days to slow down, to pause during the day to breathe, to remember to laugh, and to take more time for our Self.”


“Good things take time, so let’s use these strange days to slow down, to pause during the day to breathe, to remember to laugh, and to take more time for our Self.”

—John “JD” Hutchison-Maxwell


Jessica Jones-Hughes, President of Plenitud Board of Directors

“The topsy turvy past few weeks have brought into focus more than ever the power of choice. With so much fear around, I have to choose where I place my attention. That means choosing to turn off the news when it is wearing me down. It means choosing to notice the many things I have to be grateful for. The jobs my spouse and I have, the ability to pay our rent, our current good health, and the technology that allows us to stay connected to friends and family even from afar.

We can choose to listen to news all day, or we can choose to listen to uplifting podcasts, music, or connect more with friends and family. We can choose to look at the situation we are in as horrible, or as an opportunity to slow down. My choices are shaping my experience, right now. This is not a new realization, but something about this moment is clarifying this for me. I continue to ask myself: What am I choosing to tune into right now, today, this week?

We have also come together to think creatively about how we are spending our time. We are responding to the absence of the usual by embracing our virtual lives: FaceTime double dates, long distance dance parties, trying out new recipes with friends and comparing notes. We are taking more walks together and appreciating all the nature in the blocks surrounding our urban apartment, nature we have mostly ignored up until now, while giving those we pass a 6ft berth and a 6ft smile. The world, our friends, and our family need us to make choices right now that keep us united and grounded. What are you choosing to tune into right now?”


“We can choose to look at the situation we are in as horrible, or as an opportunity to slow down. My choices are shaping my experience, right now. “

—Jessica Jones-Hughes


How are you coping with these challenges? What inner resources can you draw on to survive, thrive, and grow from this personal and collective adversity? Please leave us a comment and let us know!

Please also be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram so that you can stay up to date with all of our current online offerings. We will be hosting a regular rotation of virtual events, such as live yoga, cooking classes, art lessons and much more! Let’s stay connected and lift each other up—together we can demonstrate that love has no boundaries and knows no barriers.

We’re all in this together!


Love Is Stability


Indian Ayurvedic Kitchari